
Hotel regulations

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Check-in is betwen 04:00 PM first day of your stay until 12.00 PM
the next day.


The Guest determines the length of stay in the hotel and in the absence of determination, it is assumed that the room was rented for one hotel night. If you wish to extend your stay, you are kindly requested to report it at the reception before 10.00 AM on the closing date of your stay. The hotel may not take into account such an request if it is full. The guest has no right to pass his/her room to other people, even if the period of stay for which he/she paid the fare did not expire.


In 2-person room, second place can be rented to another person only at the request or consent of the Guest occupying the room.

§ 4

The Hotel shall:
1. Ensure conditions for a peaceful holiday of the Guest, 
2. Response to remarks and concerns about the level of services, operation of equipment, cleanliness and order in the hotel. 
3. offer the following services free of charge:
- storing things brought to the hotel,
- waking up at a specific time,
- daily change of towels and other hotel linen exchanged at the request of the Guest.

§ 5

Hotel is not liable for damage to or theft of a car or other vehicle belonging to a Guest of the hotel, as left at the parking lot.

§ 6

Responsibility of the hotel for loss of or damage to items brought in by the Guest to the hotel is governed by Art. 846-849 of the Civil Code. The liability of the hotel is restricted, if things have not been deposited in the hotel (the safe is available at the reception, a free service). The hotel has the right to refuse to accept money for safekeeping, as well as securities and valuables, in particular, valuables and items of scientific or artistic value, if they threaten the security or have too high value / take up too much space in relation to the size and standard of the hotel.

§ 7

People not registered at the hotel can stay in a hotel room from 7.00 AM to 10.00 PM.

§ 8

Night silence is from 10:00 PM to 07.00 AM.

§ 9

In the hotel rooms, it is not allowed to use any instruments or devices powered by electricity, not being the equipment of the room
(electric heaters, heaters, irons, etc.).


Without the consent of the floors staff, please do not move the equipment of the room.

§ 11

While leaving the room, Guests are asked to close the door by snapping, turning the key and leaving the key at the reception desk.

§ 12

The Guest is responsible for the lack, damage or destruction of items of equipment and technical facilities of the hotel, arising from his/her fault or the fault of people visiting him/her.


In the the public areas, it is not allowed to consume alcohol purchased outside the hotel.



1. It is not allowed to perform operations which may cause fire and neglect of safety precautions preventing the occurrence of fire, in particular:
a) throwing matches and cigarette ends to the bins with paper and waste, on the floor, leaving cigarette ends on the tables, cabinets, etc.,
b) smoking in beds, and in places where it is forbidden by fire safety signs,
c) storing and using flammable liquids and materials, as well as explosives in the building, e.g. petrol, kerosene, etc.,
d) the use of damaged electrical equipment (lighting), unauthorized repair of fuses, altering installation and equipment, the use of additional stations for electricity and decorating and stora ge of paper articles in the proximity of lights etc. combustible
e) the use of irons and electric immersion heaters in hotel rooms,
f ) leaving children unattended by the elderly, leaving matches and lighters in places easily accessible to children, allowing children for playing with matches and other flammable and pyrotechnic materials.
2. Each time when you leave the hotel room, it is necessary to:
a) check for left cigarette ends or if there is no possibility of fire from other causes,
b) disable any devices (electric, gas)
3. Those who stay at the facility should know where the nearest fire-fighting equipment is (fire extinguishers, hydrants) and know how to use it according to the manual of the fire extinguisher. Moreover, they should know the shortest routes and evacuation exits of the building.
4. If you notice any fire such as smoke, sparks, burning smell, immediately notify the management of the hotel.
5. In the event of fire, each person who sees it is required to:
a) raise the alarm informing about the place of fire, during the alarm do not get into panic immediately alert the people in the danger zone, management of the hotel and staff on duty, and possibly FIRE BRIGADE - tel. 998,
b) obey the dispositions in the course of the rescue operation by employees of the facility and the Fire Brigade.
6) At the time of extinguishing the fire, you should:
a) not open windows and doors in rooms where there is smoke, or possibly close them if they are open,
a) not use water or foam fire extinguishers to extinguish the fire of electrical appliances that are connected to electrical grid as this may cause electric shocks.
7) comply with fire regulations and cooperate in action of fire prevention.

Thank you for reading these fire-fighting indications and please
use them in the event of an alarm.

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